Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rock Wall

You all know Jason is really into rockclimbing, and therefore attempts to climb any and all pieces of furniture in my house which is getting very annoying. So, Travis and my Dad built a rock wall outside so he would have more opportunities to blow off his steam. Here's to hoping this works and Jason stops climbing my door frames and cabinets!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fantabulous Weather

So it was finally a real NC spring day - sunny and 70, which was much needed after FIVE days of cold rain! So as soon as we got home I said to my kids, "get out of the house!" They played so nicely on the playground with each other I managed to take a few snaps.

Jason was climbing...shocker!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

FUN weekend

We had some friends over on Friday night and I got to use my dining room AND my new couches!!!
Ron started the night off by climbing my door frames - and teaching jason to do the same

Ron made it all the way to the top - we are so proud!
Then Travis/Jason had a chicken fight with Alfred/James

James and I had lots of Zen!

New Couches!

Yea! The kids now have a place to sit - and so do we! I LOVE my new couches - completely transforms my TV watching experience! Well, Travis also recalibrated the sounds system based on the new furniture layout, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I officially was LAZY this weekend. Other than training and laundry, I did nothing all weekend except sit on my couches!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Couchless Kids

So the family room has no couches in it because we are getting new ones delivered today! When the kids woke up they still wanted to cuddle and watch TV so they found little spots on the floor - poor kids! It was so cute I had to take a few pictures!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Picture Day!

Today is picture day for the kids at school, so I dressed them in coordinating outfits. Sammy of course loves to dress up, but Jason had a fit that he wasn't allowed to wear "soft pants." After some significant coaxing an dbribing, we finally got them seated for a few at home pictures. For anyone who has tried to do this, taking pictures of your kids when you really want them to turn out wqell is quite stressful. I think you moms will appreciate this series of pictures I took this morning.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Basketball and Barbeques

We FINALLY had a warm day and enjoyed every minute of it!

Jason has his last basketball game at EIGHT in the morning and HE SCORED HIS FIRST BASKET!!!

And of course the warm weather meant our first real barbeque and dinner outside. What better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than 10 pounds of dead animal on the grill!

Travis is the GRILLMASTER - funny that I took this picture when he wasn't actually cooking anything on the grill!

Kids love watremelon!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sleepy Head

Sammy loves preschool so much she made it the WHOLE day today without a nap! She never fussed and her workers said she ahd a great day. But when we got home, she passed out on teh couch - something she has never done before. So of course I took pictures of my sleeping beauty!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day, Take 2

So, a crazy thing happened - we had a SNOW DAY in March in NC! Here are some pictures of the day.

Jason and Mom sharing a laugh
Throwing a snowball at Dad

Another one!

My snow princess

Sammy only lasted about 15 minutes in the snow, but ate plenty!