Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Travis!

Last night we went out with Sonal and Matt, aka The Halburnts, and had a great time celebrating the holidays and Travis' Birthday. I am especially excited because for the next six months I can accurately claim that Travis is OLDER than me!!!

I know I look like I have been drinking in this picture, but I was actually the DD!

Brothers gotta hug, man! This picture was taken after a VERY INTENSE "discussion" about who is the leader of the aerialbots. Thank goodness they agreed to disagree otherwise they were going to go into fisticuffs!

All 4 Bhutas = 2 tall white guys and 2 small Indian girls


Frances Vineyard said...

Happy Birthday Trav!!
Your Little Cousin :)

Ladybugsmom said...

Big Birthday Travis...I still remember when you walked to me for the first time...about his time of year oh a zillion years ago.

cruzefarmgirl said...

Happy Belated Birthday Travis!! Hope it was great!! Hope your marathon went well today!