The Swim
I am not gonna lie, it was damn cold. At the last minute I decided to put on neoprene booties and a thermal cap that my friend let me borrow, and I was so glad I did!
Basically my face says, "holy crap that was COLD!"
The Bike - a little hilly and a lot of windy! This is always my most favorite leg. And it was so pretty out my then - I even chicked a guy (when a girl passes a guy, the he got CHICKED!)
Transition - definitely not my strongest point, hopefully this will improve!
The Run
This was HILLY! The pictures dont do the hills justice. Despite that I had a strong run, and felt great throughout, which I was pleased with!
I had enough in me to finish strong and then eat a turkey sandwich!
Then on the way home I clipped a curb, popped a tire and caused significant damage to 2 rims of my car. I guess you could say I went out with a bang!?
Great article!!! I loved your face after coimg out of the H20!! That said it all. Hope to see a race one of these days!!!
Hilsen Margie Norway
Wow, I feel like I was there! Way to go!
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