Saturday, October 3, 2009

Girls Weekend - Museum of Life and Science

North Carolina Museum of Life and Science
Sammy and I met our frrind Liz and her son benjamin at the museum to continue enjoying the most beautiful weather!

Benjamin working hard at the water exhibit
Sammy using her muscles

Liz and Benjamin

Benjamin showing Sammy how to do it

Looking at the animals

Butterfly House

Sammy LOVED the butterflies!

Digging for fossils on the dinosaur trail

Its a good thing Sammy wore her digging clothes

"I think I found something."
More Water displays!

Waiting for the train ride

Making funny faces

On the train, so excited!

O boy were we excited

In the spaceship

Of course Sammy found a horse!
What a great day. The weather was always perfect and Sammy did great all day - without a nap! Now she is sleeping over and Grandma and Papa's and I am enjoying and an evening of mojitos and catching up with my DVR.

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