A few more pictures from the past week as we are starting to decorate and prepare for the holidays!
Granny Teri helping the kids make a "candy house" They really enjoyed this project!
Black Friday Shoe Shopping. Sammy was so excited about her new pink shoes with green flowers and then she willingly posed with a life-size dinosaur outside the store! Notice the "posed" hand on her hip!
Then we got the Christmas Tree and Decorated it
Check out our silver balls!
Sweetness! Jason got excited when he found this ornament of Sammy as a baby!
And Sammy felt the need to do her Tai Chi while decorating the tree. I think it has something to do with toddler feng shui they are teaching her at daycare!
And then of course there was plenty of relaxing afterwards
Just so you know, this is how Jason relaxes... he shapes himself like a rocket and "takes off from the couch." We are so proud. It is this type of activity that keeps the Western Wake Emergency room as our #1 on speed dial. All of you who have boys know exactly whay I am talking about - holla!!
She is looking gorgeous in her pink dress & shoes.
Oh yes, what a great picture! He will be so proud of that one day! :) Love the pics with Granny Teri!
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