Monday, July 13, 2009

Jason's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Jason grew up this morning! Well actually he had been growing up for the last 5+ years but I refused to aknowledge this fact until this morning, when he got onto the "big yellow" by himself. I must admit I had a momemt of anxiety and some tears! I also had to resist every bone in my body that urged me to hop in the car, and follow the bust to ensure he makes it to school! But alas, I didn't follow the bus and my son has taken his first bus ride by himself! I am so proud, and so sad that my baby is no longer my baby!

Jaosn did got to kindergarten for a "practise day" last week. He LOVED it and was so excited to go today. He claimed the best part of his new school is that nap time if very short! He also loves buying his lunch! He even bought lima beans for himself!

1 comment:

margie kristiansen said...

Yes they do grow up!!!!
Hilsen Margie