Sunday, January 9, 2011

HOME! Happy and Sad!

So we are home, after we bookended our trip with delays and cancellations due to snow. The southeast is preparing for a snow storm and the grocery store was insane! I had to drive my cart through the aisles like I was on the streets of Mumbai! After trying to get a full nights sleep and realizing we are all still on some weird time zone, and waking up at various times in the middle of the night, we are both thrilled to be back home and sad that the trip is over.

Jason is up with me this morning and I queried him to see what he will miss about India and what he is happy about to be back home. Here is what he said:

Things I will miss about India:

  • apple juice - India has the best apple juice (probably because its about 150% sugar)

  • hashbrowns - India makes the best hash browns

  • uncles and family - It was great spending so much time with the family and my kids are really missing everyone

  • monkeys - they are hilarious,and aggressive and my kids were both scared and fascinated with them at the same time.

  • Offering lower prices for everything

  • Watching Aunt Elizabeth bargain (she was hilarious and great at this, she is a lawyer after all, so the arguing was definitely her forte)

  • Seeing pop pop talk in Hindi/Gujarati to everyone. I think the kids were fascinated when we landed in Delhi and my dad broke out in Hindi fluently!

Reasons why I am happy to be back home:

  • My hot shower and warm bed

  • milk - the milk in India tasted nasty (the kids have already gone through a 1/2 gallon!)

  • internet - the kids did NOT like having to wait to get to wi-fi access hubs to download new apps for their iTouches

  • Toothpaste - the kids 'watermelon-flavored' toothpaste was confiscated by indian security and they had to use our regular 'minty toothpaste' on the whole trip, which they hated!

  • Water - brushing our teeth with water from the sink, and not having to keep their moths closed while taking a shower!

How awesome is it that he had these great observations! I agree with everything he said, except I would add COFFEE to the list of reasons why I am happy to be back home!

1 comment:

Karthik Bala said...

As for coffee, you need to head South! Also...water pressure...India has none.