Monday, January 3, 2011


So, a theme of our vacation has been making plans. Apparently anytime we discuss the plans for the day, its a very LONG discussion that usually lasts all day and involves many phone calls, conferences and involved parties. Literally we have too many chiefs and not enough Indians, pun intended. So, here we are today in Mumbai, starting off the day as we usually do, by making millions of phone calls, trying to figure confirm the plans we already made and confirmed many times the day before. Inevitably the plans change... many times. Our plans for each day change so often, its comical to some and stressful to others which makes for a great family dynamic when those of us who are laughing at those who are upset or stressed. Always in the background, my dad is on the phone speaking in Hindi or Gujarati, and making more plans, which we all know nothing about because we only speak English.

Per usually my youngest brother comes to the rescue and coordinates all of the crazy bhutas and pulls as all together. I usually just sit in the corner and drink a few glasses of wine, or take a xanax and then when someone tells us to go, I get up and go!
This is what our apartment looks like most of the time where Dad is on the phone and he and Brian are holding a planning session.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Love the runnning commentary and all the smiles on faces. You guys are real troopers!