Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sea World, San Diego

We were able to steal away the day before my brother's wedding to spend some time in Sea World.
The loved the dolphins!
Sammy and Jason enjoying the dolphins... and some random kid that got pushed into the picture!

I instantly fell in love with Sea World - where else can you get a bud light lime and cotton candy at 9:30am?!

Of course the highlight for sammy was meeting Sammy the Clydesdale!

This is the picture I took ab9out 10 minutes before our family experienced a massive dysfunctional moment as I convinced my family to sit "up closse" to the shamu show so we could see better. Well we were in the soak zone, and it was salt water and we got SOAKED. Shamu tidal waved on us, the kids instantly freaked out as both got salt water in their eyes and scraped knees and Travis deserted me in the family bathroom with screaming children so he could procure another beer. Afterwards, it is very funny but for about 15 minutes I think we would have been great candidates for the Jerry Springer dysfunctional family special.

After the "shamu" incident... we paid 60 dollars for a pizza for our family, and took a much more somber ride so we could recap and pull ourselves together. It worked and we ended up having a great time.

Other than Shamu emotionally scarring our children for life, it was a great trip!

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