Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slight Flight Scare and Anji Drama

This week I had an interesting experience travelling to the West Coast for business. Here's the story. We layed over in Houston, and I barely made my connection. As I sat down and looked at the guy next to me who had just been released from some sort of mental institution as was determined by the MULTIPLE hospital bracelets on his wrist. Also he was apparently on some sort of hallucinogenic medication as he continued for the entire trip to wonder why people kept "tapping him on the shoulder." So we are airborne and all of the sudden the O2 masks drop. The pilot gets on the PA and says, "we are having some trouble with the air pressure in the cabin." (NO Shit!) "It appears the door has opened and we are leaking air. So we will turn around and make an emergency landing."
Ok I think I can handle this no biggie, so we'll just be delayed. The the pilot says, "and because of the amouunt of fuel we have on board we will be making a "hard emerency landing and there will be emergency vehicles waiting for us on he runway in case we blow a tire and there is a fire."
Hmm not getting better at this point. Now the crazy guy next to me (who also by the way has very little regard for basic personal hygeine) starts freaking out and reading the instructions on how to open the emegency door, which I forgot to mention, I am sitting next to! Finally, I told him to shut up and sit the hell back down - I think made him cry in his fragile mental state.

We landed, it was hard (my butt still hurts) and we did blow a tire so the firetrucks doused us with fire retardant foam. then we taxi'ed to a gate and sat there forever while Continental figured out what to do with us. Being the drama queen I am I immediately got out my laptop and wrote the following as a message to my kids and husband. You know all the things you don't put in a will. So here's my official advice to my kids if something ever were to happen (depressing I know). In true airline fashion, after 90 minutes the flight attendants announced that "the door if fixed and we will be taking off for san jose in 10 minutes!" yippee?

To my Kids

  • In this world there will be people you do not like, do not get along with and even hate. Above all I want you to respect the rights of others and recognize that even though you may not agree others deserve your respect.

  • You two are very smart and have the capability to achieve and master anything you put your mind to. Once you set a goal do everything you can to achieve it, nothing is more satisfying than knowing you have achieved something you set out to do. Additionally think very carefully about all social. Sports and work commitments. You should never fall through on a commitment you have made.
  • Laughter is the BEST medicine. No matter how difficult, please actively seek to find humor in all situations and your daily routine.
  • Your family is the most important people in your life yesterday, now and forever. Friends and lovers may come and go but family is forever. Especially siblings.

To my Sweet Sammy

  • Being a woman in this time is a powerful thing. Please use your power for good and work .to make an impact on others and mankind with your intelligence and drive. It is a fine but extremely powerful balance to mastering feminine and charming while standing your ground and commanding respect from your peers. A key to this is active listening and speaking confidently and eloquently.

  • You are beautiful inside and out. Embrace this and love yourself before you fall in love with anyone else. The most attractive thing any boy will ever love about you is your confidence in yourself and your self-respect.
  • Please always dress well. Nothing slutty ever looks nice. If I am not around and you need help, find a group of close friends that will give you honest opinions.
  • Speaking of close friends, strive to surround yourself with quality people – friends that are there for you in tough time and who you would reciprocate for if they were in need. In tough times you may not feel comfortable talking to me, dad or grandma, but you should always talk to someone. Find these people that are good listeners and strive to do this for them when needed!

To my special Jason

  • Man you are smart! Please work to harness this and apply it to something that will make you happy and make a significant impact on society
    You have my permission and I encourage you to find the things in life that truly make you happy and pursue this to the fullest.

  • Always believe in yourself, and know that your dad and mom have been through all of the difficult emotions and decisions that you are facing. You can always call Uncle Brian or Uncle David if you have something you want to discuss confidentially. I have their word that they would not tell your mom and dad unless you were physically in danger.

  • Please always treat women with respect, even if they are mean or gross, you still owe them respect as a human being.

  • Know that I am always proud of you and that you could do nothing that would disappoint me or make me stop loving you.

To my Travis

  • I love you, but more importantly I adore you and respect you as a wonderful person, father and husband. I am proud of your code of ethics and your ability to stand firm on your personal beliefs and policies

  • What I want for you no matter what in life is to BE HAPPY. Do what makes you happy and surround yourself with good people, as you do now

  • Also please always wear nice pants and shirts that look good on you, and encourage the kids to dress nicely as well. If I leave any one legacy behind please let it be of good fashion, and laughter!
  • I know it wont be easy but if I am not around, please care for my parents as I would. Make sure they maintain a close relationship with the children – this is important to me.

  • Please teach Jason and Samantha to love someone as deeply and unconditaionally and with respect as you love me
  • Encourage the kids to talk to Brian and David, Sarah or Elizabeth as necessary with no strings attached if they do not feel comfortable talking to you. I want the kids to feel like they have a network of people that surround them and all love them.

1 comment:

Kelsi said...

This is absolutely beautiful ... I hate that you had such a scary experience but what a great idea to put into writing the things you wish you always said.